About CJC
Canberra Japan Club
About Us
The Canberra Japan Club was formed in 1997 as a community group to support Canberra-based Japanese residents and their families or those with a connection to Japan. It also aims to promote a deeper understanding of Japanese culture in the local community.
The club undertakes seminars and workshops for members who volunteer as helpers and carers for the elderly. It also regularly organises lectures in Japanese (known as the CJC Talk) for members and interested nonmembers. These provide a valuable opportunity for people from various fields to share their knowledge and expertise. Club members have also created a number of hobby and interest groups which meet on a regular basis. These currently include tanka (poetry), a stretch/flexibility exercise class, a book club, mahjong, karaoke, and arts and crafts. Further details in Japanese can be obtained on our website. The club usually combines its short annual general meeting with a well-attended luncheon get together, where members enjoy catching up.
The Canberra Japan Club has for many years facilitated a Japanese kindergarten class for members with infants, and more recently opened a Japanese language class for young (primary school age) Japanese speakers. Children enjoy these lively and fun learning experiences on Saturdays. (See details of participating schools on our website.)
The club holds an autumn festival every year to spread the understanding of Japan and Japanese culture in the local community. In spring, the club also participate in the Canberra-Nara Candle Festival, where it operates a stall selling handmade Japanese food. Members especially enjoy interacting with people from the local community at this event. Funds raised at these events assist with CJC’s operating expenses.
We have recently updated our Japanese-language CJC website (canberrajapanclub.org.au). The club also publishes a comprehensive quarterly CJC Newsletter, which comprises information and reports on various past and upcoming events. In addition, updates and information on events are available through our ‘e-news’ email (register your address when enrolling).
The CJC committee as at September 2024 comprised 4 members:
– , president;
– , vice-president
– , public relations;
Chica Scally, administration;
Chieko Horiuch, accounting;
Naoki Matsumoto, kindergarten and Yukari Armstrong, Japanese school;
Kumiko Iijima, web and newsletter;
and Mayumi Takano, general affairs.